Saturday, 14 December 2013

3 annotated digipaks and magazine covers

This Digipak is by Selena Gomez and the Scene.

 The Genre of music that they specialize in is Pop music which is the Genre of music our artist specialises in, You can see by the digipak that they are appealing to the Pop fans, this is mainly through the colour scheme and mise en scene of images. Pop music is Often listened to by young girls, The albumums colour scheme is Pink and white, two colours that girls really like, to add to this there are pink flowers. Flowers can be seen as something that girls like and again because of the colour scheme they are pink (which appeals to girls). Also the artist reaches out to the audience as well in these Images. She symbolizes what a pop star should look like, pretty with make up and jewelery and long hair wearing a pretty dress, this would appeal to girls because that is what girls want to be like. Lastly the Glow, the glow adds a nice touch to the album and makes it look pretty and that is often what pop albums are supposed to look like, 'Pretty'.

One Direction

 One Direction is one of the worlds most known Pop Bands, Just like Selena Gomez, there fans are predominately female. Even though they are a boy band and they have produced a digipak that is boyish to represent themselves, they have also ensured that their album appeals to their core female fans at the same time. The album spells out the pop Genre, The image is Funny and the boys look like they are having fun and that's what pop music is all about, Having fun. Also the bright colours and the font add to this as they work well with the image to create the 'Pop Album' feeling.

The Saturdays



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