This Bobby Brown video 'Don't Be Cruel' is a perfect example of the point that i made above. This video has no specific Gender audience and it hasn't been made to appeal to anyone, to me it seems like it has been made just to be a really good music video which is what the industry these days are lacking.
Other Examples
21st Century Music Video's
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Unlike the music video's above these videos from the years 2003 - present have someway been manipulated to appeal to a different Genre audiences
Appeal to Men:
Appeal to Women
I guess the Male demand has over taken the music industry these days, As you can see the videos that appeal to men always include passive women (Just like what Laura Mulvey says) and the majority of music videos appealed to women often include hidden messages about life, For me it was quite hard to think of any music videos that were appealed to women.
Playing Both Sides??
I would say that this video from the Pussycat dolls plays both sides because it's clearly visible that the music appeals to guys but when you listen to the lyrics the group sings to what seems to be a female audience.
Mariah Carey 2008
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