Friday, 18 October 2013

Skills Development

How I approached Planning

Planning for this years coursework in my eyes was a lot more demanding than planning for last years. Last year we were only making a thriller opening that lasted about 3 minutes so there was only so much that we needed to know, this year on the other hand we were making a music video to a WHOLE song. The difference between these two were, The thriller opening was only a beginning, the start of the film so we didn't have to worry about a middle or an ending, the music video was a full song, a song that had an opening, a climax and a ending so we had to think about everything from where we wanted to the video to start to how we wanted it to end and what will be in the middle.

With this in mind I went all in when it came to the research, I made my own list of extra bloggings that I could do along with following the blogging checklist, I was taking what I learnt in class and thinking about it when i was watching music videos on music channels. One thing that i did differently from last year during the planning stage was keeping my mind open, Last year when I use to blog i would only think about what to blog when i was actually blogging, but this year i'd think about what i could blog about almost all the time. e.g. I would be at my friends house listening to the radio and a Kesha song would be playing and I would instantly think about weather i could Blog about Kesha, and I did.

Overall I feel like this year the planning process was a lot more successful than last year mainly because we had experience in researching and we knew how to do it and what to look for.   

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