Monday, 30 September 2013

Reflection on progress so far....

This year I feel more confident with my blogging as I have had a year practice and I think I am more efficient with my blogging as I am keeping up to date and blogging sooner rather then later.

At AS, I struggled a little with using a variation of different media technology such as 'Gifs' and prezi's, but this year I am making sure I am using something different every blog, which I have been doing and is going really well. Also 1 blog used to take me 2-3 hours to complete as it was hard getting used to the program and inserting images and videos to the blog aswell as organising them.

However, now I have been getting on really well and completing blogs in less then an hour or just over depending on what I have to blog because of how familiar I am with the program and all the different links and things to insert.

Here are some examples of what I have blogged so far and the variation of media technology used. 

As I do more and more blogs, it is becoming easier each time which is helpful to me so I can blog more quicker, fitting in more time to complete more blogs.

I am happy with my blogging so far as I have finished all that I have had to so far for my research work. 

What I would mark myself : 15/20 

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