Thursday, 19 September 2013

Technical skills That I developed during my AS year.

Technical skills That I developed during my AS year.

-          Camera angles such as two shots, over the shoulder shots, long shots, close ups, medium close ups etc…

-          Story Boarding by hand and digitally using Quark Express.
     Learnt about Target audiences, Intertextuality and Structures of a film opening

-          Types of film opening e.g. Narrative opening, Discrete Opening, Titles over blank screen etc...
-     Learnt how to use Final cut Pro and Soundtrack Pro. E.g. putting images music and film into t timeline he timeline, using effect and transitions such as colour correction and fade. Also learnt how to use text to create titles Became very familiar with the tools on final cut pro in terms of cutting, making clips in slow motion, separating the sound from the video, putting in titles & using effects on the video (making them black and white, making them brighter or having less colour). Learning how to use soundtrack pro so when the editing was finished, inputting the video into soundtrack pro and finding any sound effects in the programme that is suitable for the film. 

-          Learnt how to use Live Type. to create our company logo

-          Learnt about different types of editing e.g. Match Cut, Jump Cut, Action Match Cut, Shot Reverse shot 180 degree rule etc…
The images below are screen shots from my preliminary last year

-          Using websites that I have never used before like Prezi,, Wordle, Blogspot, Go animate
-          Learnt how to use the JVC camera


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